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Jairus’s Daughter and the Woman with Chronic Bleeding
Luke 8.40-56

We don’t know for sure that Luke was a doctor, though there are several things in his work that make it likely, as well as Paul’s mention of him as ‘Luke, the beloved doctor’ (Colossians 4.14). But if he was, there must have been a wry smile on his face when he wrote verse 43. Perhaps he knew of patients like that, who had spent everything they had on medical attention and it still didn’t make any difference. In a world without modern medicine, and also without any form of state-funded medical aid or private insurance schemes, good health was a precious but fragile commodity. If you didn’t have it, you might easily find that sickness and poverty followed each other in a downward spiral from which no return was possible...

Taken from Luke for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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