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The God of Peace Be With You
Hebrews 13.17-25

I was chatting with a friend who had recently become a bishop. He was and is a wonderful man, scholarly, wise, outgoing, full of ideas and devotion and love and goodness. You might have thought any church would be glad to have him as a leader.

‘How are you finding it, then?’ I asked.

‘Trying to be a leader in this church’, he replied, ‘is like trying to take a cat for a walk!’

Now there are some rare cats who like being taken for walks. Sometimes, as we say, they seem to think they’re dogs. But mostly they respond badly to any attempt to suggest that they might like to do this or that. They tend to look slightly offended, and do the opposite. All too often, it seems, Christian people behave in the same way. The present mood of Western society, in which all authority seems suspect, and all power is assumed to corrupt people, gives an extra excuse to people who want to do their own thing rather than submit in any way to what anybody else says...

Taken from Hebrews for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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