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The Apostle’s Freedom – to be Enslaved to Everyone
1 Corinthians 9.19-23

One of the greatest thinkers and statesmen of the Roman world a century before Paul was Cicero. He was a sophisticated philosopher, a brilliant lawyer, a politician, and above all a passionate believer in the glory of Rome. He argued that Rome was naturally free; other cities and nations were by nature slaves, but Rome was by nature free. Rome had a fine republican system of government; her citizens were free people; other nations should be grateful when Rome came in and took them over. Rome was sharing the gift of freedom. As a backhanded compliment to him, one of his political rivals managed to get him exiled, and in his absence had a gang of thugs destroy his house and build a statue of the goddess Liberty where it had stood...

Taken from Paul 1 Corinthians for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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