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On Remaining Unmarried
1 Corinthians 7.25-31

I remember a cartoon from my childhood days. A young man sits in an office. He is talking on the telephone, but standing beside him is a huge figure with a bristling moustache, staring at him angrily: obviously the boss. The young man is saying, in a half-whisper, ‘Of course I still love you! It’s just that it isn’t very convenient to discuss it right now. . . ’

The present passage is dominated by the thought that certain things are ‘not very convenient right now’. But what is going on for Paul and the Corinthians? Why is ‘right now’ so inconvenient – sufficiently inconvenient, it seems, to prevent them living the normal kind of life they might otherwise have expected, not least pursuing the right and proper practice of going ahead with plans for marriage?...

Taken from Paul 1 Corinthians for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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