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Proper 6

Mark 4: 26-34

Gaze on a vegetable patch at the bottom of the garden, or better still a full-sized allotment, with the gardener’s rickety shed in one corner, a watering can outside the door.

Gaze on the rows of neat plants: pale lime-green lettuce leaves, baby leeks like thin blades of grass, darker spinach, curly parsnip tops and the red flowers of the beans, that crawl up the wicker support. Over time, each seed has revealed its identity, for no two are the same. But what do they all have in common? Long before you see this variety flourish in the spring sunshine, if you could have gazed beneath the soil, you would have seen the seed split open and push out roots to anchor itself and fix it to that spot, trusting that this was the place to grow. It was the roots which channelled moisture and nutrients to the plant before we saw its visible growth. Only then did the stem begin to sprout, eager to push up towards the light...

Taken from Gazing on the Gospels Year B by Judith Dimond

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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