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Is Saul among the Prophets, Too?
1 Samuel 10: 1- 16

For most of church history, visions and prophecies and miraculous healings have been uncommon events in the mainline churches, but during the time when I was teaching in England, they came to be more common once more, and we used to have prayer for healing in seminary chapel. On one occasion I was praying for one of the students who was part of my pastoral care group, and I had an image come into my mind, of a boy walking through a shopping mall with his father. I thought to myself, “If I was the sort of person who had visions or pictures, that would be one. But I’m not, so it obviously isn’t.” Nevertheless I incorporated the image in my prayer, and after the service the student came to see me, very excited, because that image had been such a help to him; it was the thing that had brought him some emotional healing. I realized I had become someone who did have pictures or visions. There was a sense in which I had become a different person...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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