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Honey, We Solved the Riddle
JUDGES 14:1- 15:20

Only trivial things went wrong at our wedding. Admittedly, for Ann and me it was a narrow escape. At one stage her father said he would not come; that was the degree to which he disapproved of me. I had long hair, like Samson (being a theologian also means being good at riddles but not confronting lions). But in her most winsome way Ann told him how much she wanted it to be her father who walked up the aisle with her (read, even if you don’t come, we will still get married), and he did. The minister forgot Ann’s middle name, which was a shame because her parents were very keen to have it included (I think it was her grandmother’s name). And I provoked our first marital spat when I shut the coat of her beautiful going-away outfit in the car door in my haste to escape the possible pranks of my friends (Brits are big on pranks at weddings, as people in the United States are not)...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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