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Prayers of Intercession for the Third Sunday in Lent
These prayers were written to go alongside the gospel passage in Luke 13: 1-9 for the third Sunday in Lent.  These are prayers for the barren places of our world – for situations which like the fig tree might seem hopeless and without life and into those places we pray for the gift of God’s life giving spirit.

Living God, whose son Jesus conquered death and lives forever, giving us cause for hope we hold before you those places and situations in our world which seem lifeless and hopeless.
We bring before you in prayer those who farm against the odds. We pray for those whose crops, livelihoods and futures are in jeopardy through drought or flood. We pray for those who go without or have to pay inflated prices which they can ill afford in order to feed their families.
We pray
Living God, pour out your life-giving Spirit.

We pray for those in positions of authority and responsibility. We pray for those who have abused those positions of power for their own gain.
We pray for those who feel let down, disappointed and cynical by corrupt and abusive practices. We pray for those who feel their voice and plight is ignored by the world.
We pray
Living God, pour out your life-giving Spirit.


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