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Meditations for Carers

25. Snakes and ladders

Psalm 126.5–6

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the pioneer in helping people face death and bereavement, reckoned that five stages are involved: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. And she felt it was important to experience each stage fully to enable us to move on towards acceptance, otherwise we can get stuck in depression. This pattern is so familiar to carers. We cycle round and round the five stages. Just when we think we’ve achieved some measure of acceptance, we find we’ve slid back down the snake of anger, and the ladder back up to acceptance seems far too high and far away!

Where are you today on the snakes and ladders of being a carer? Blocked emotions block progress, block healing, block wholeness...

Taken from One Day at a Time: Meditations for Carers by Dorothy M.Stewart

Published by SPCK
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