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Last Chance to Take the Torah and the Prophets Seriously
2 Kings 22:1-23:24

Being the principal of a seminary occupied the middle ten years of my time as a professor. I had felt no desire to be in that position, but once it became clear that it was the right thing for a time, I realized that it gave me opportunity to push the seminary in directions I thought were important (though “pushing” is different from “taking” or “driving,” in that it requires some cooperation or at least not too much resistance; I had to win the seminary’s willingness to go in the direction I pointed rather than thinking I could force it to go where it did not wish to go). For instance, it’s easy for a seminary’s academic life and its life of worship and prayer to live in separate compartments. I wanted to encourage the development of more unity about them. As an ordinary professor I could act and argue and model to that end, but being the principal gave me more power to influence things...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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