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Monologues for Trinity Sunday – Lectionary year B

“Isaiah’s thoughts”
I have seen the hypocrisy of Judah’s leaders and officials: worshipping and making
sacrifices to God on the Sabbath; then twisting justice like thieves, loving bribes and
chasing gifts.
All this whilst they would not take up the case of the fatherless and not even look at a
widow’s case. It made me angry, so angry I had to speak out! I prayed in the Temple so
often, for God to speak. I wanted to know what He thought, and was I seeing aright?
Then it happened, whilst I was praying again. The Temple just opened up to reveal God’s
throne and the hem of His robes all around me. Winged Seraphs flying about and calling
out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty. The whole earth is full of His glory.” And the
doorposts and thresholds shook. Smoke and thunder filled the Temple.
I was lost, ruined, felt my own sin acutely, a man of unclean lips living among a people of
unclean lips and I was seeing the Lord Almighty! How could I live…?
A Seraph brought a hot coal to touch my lips saying, “See the coal has taken away your
guilt and atoned for your sin.” Then the voice of the Lord, almost like thunder said, “Who
will go for us?” And I felt compelled to say, “Send me.”
Then the vision had gone, but with my words still ringing in my ears, “Send me.” I had seen
the Lord’s Almighty power over sin, life, death and everything, and still lived and was
completely changed for ever.
What did it mean? Well I had a message of two choices to speak to my people.
That God is our Holy Father and with Him there is no sin or evil.
Therefore change from your evil ways, or if not face destruction of all you know; change
and find new life budding like a new shoot from an old stump.

Continues with:

“He Suffered as we do - knowing our suffering”

“Work of the Spirit” (partly based on 1 Corinthians 13 & Galations 5:22 & 23)

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