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Fourth Sunday in Lent - Year B

Hymn: Awake, awake to love and work or At another new day's dawning

Prayer: Ever-present God

Hymn: Come, Lord, to our souls come down or Sometimes when standing on the brink

Reading: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

Reading: Numbers 21:4-9

Hymn: Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us or When we go with the flow where God’s spirit is

Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21

Sermon idea 1: Numbers 21: 4-9

Monologue/ reflection: Grumbles

Sermon idea 2: Poem: Light came … (based on John 3: 14-21)

Hymn: When our confidence is shaken or Into darkness and disaster, (based on Ephesians)

Prayer: Forgiving God, we are your creation

Hymn: We have a gospel to proclaim or Trust that God who lit the cosmos,

Blessing: Let us go into our daily lives

Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22

Blessing: Though your heart is broken

Andrew Pratt (born 1948)
Words © Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England,
Please include any reproduction for local church and school use on your CCL Licence returns. All wider and any commercial use requires prior application to Stainer & Bell Ltd.

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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