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The Way We Are
Job 30 1-31

Today a woman came to see me and wept. Her husband left her after ten years of marriage, leaving her with two small children to look after. On her account, his leaving came right out of the blue; there was no clue that he was unhappy in the marriage. But since he left and went to live with another woman, she has worked out that he actually had more than one affair. They were the joint pastors of a local church, and she has had to face the fact that they have been living a lie in their relationship with the church, where she sought to serve God with her husband for those ten years. The church has grown, and she imagined they would stay there for quite a long time and see more growth. Her husband had talked about their growing old together. Now many people in the church are taking her husband’s side. The past has lost its meaning. She is not clear what, if anything, she can hope for from God for the future...

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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