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All peoples, nations, lives on earth,
All cities, places, great and small,
Hear this good news, this shining truth:
Christ lives who died for one and all.
All faith, all thought, all science, all art,
All cultures, ways of life, all mind,
Take this good news, this joy, to heart,
Christ lives whose life is yours and mine.
All war, destruction, danger, fear,
All crime, all terror, all dis-ease,
Hear this good news; fall silent, hear,
Christ lives whose ways are ways of peace
All that divides, where hatred grows,
All that destroys, where death finds home,
Know this good news a new world knows,
Christ lives who was and is to come.
All who the fragile world would heal
All who the fractured world would mend
Hear this good news that makes love real
Christ lives whose love shall never end.
Tune: BPW2 Old 100th
Michael Docker

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