
Prayers for a Spring Morning

Loving God, who accompanies us through the changing seasons of our lives we come this Spring morning to worship you.

Creator God, Early in the morning, we hear the dawn chorus. The bird song heralding the gift of the creation of a new day.

The different calls of birdsong echoing the diversity and difference of the world in which we live.

The joyful sound reminding us that we are alive, that we have been given the opportunities and promises this day offers as we wake up and

enter a new stage of our lives as followers of Jesus.

Risen Jesus, who on the day of resurrection met with Mary in the garden, as we come to you at the beginning of worship we ask that you would

meet us here. That you would meet us with gentleness and encouragement, that you would meet us with challenge and rigour.

We pray that we would open ourselves to you, ready to receive your love, forgiveness and grace.

Remind us of our need of new life in you.


© Christine Dutton, September 2013

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